best comments
About marketing and inattention
The watchman who shot the thief - told why he did it
All around deception
Remark about the media
Hohol all his life, and nothing, normal
About marketing and inattention
Briefly about the talks in Geneva between Russia and NATO
About business coaches
Tuned my lenses
Response to the post "Russian automotive industry, help yourself ("
Amazing stats
And then there are the bugs.
Tell me, caravaneer, when is the water?
Do you want to play one game?
We can't find the street)
Could have played Gadget from Chip and Dale
0 leg
"I wish you good health! Inspector of the State Automobile Inspectorate Yuri Klinskikh"
Sokurov was officially declared an "enemy of the people" in Chechnya
How not to become one-eyed in the subway
True love
About men
That feeling when it was the same with you
How much money did a revolver cost in the days of the Wild West, and could a simple cowboy afford it with his income?
It used to be better
Well, what do you take in the ranks.
Did you show?
Sorry for the bird
Elections coming soon
Tales from the sex shop
Response to the post "In Chechnya, 22-year-old daughter of Ramzan Kadyrov Aishat was awarded the medal" For the protection of human rights ""
On the train
Hohol all his life, and nothing, normal
"Russia" will sue the passenger who opened the door of the plane
Where did you learn to care for so much?
Avalak and Ciri I love
Downpour in Alabama near the plant
On the television of the future
State order
Three from legend
Echo is everything. Details
Remark about the media
Tell me, caravaneer, when is the water?
Interesting case
Here is a lighter
Alive, healthy, ready to work
About zadolbavshih all labor migrants and about "there is no one to work"
When I decided to learn more about traditional values on the Internet
Thanks for the balance
I'm an outlier)))
It's better to remain silent
cat and whiskas
Doctor's notes: "In a quiet pool..."
Keep your money in...
Think nothing
Reply to the post "Mine is yours not to understand"
The real reason why we play
Plus being a parent
I ask for advice: I found the thieves but they went unpunished
About microphone
Sorry for the bird
New phobia
And then there are the bugs.
Disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT
Hohol all his life, and nothing, normal
Response to the post "It always happens and it's therefore infuriating!"
The most useless gun in the world
Advertising on a pick-up
There are such
Don't interfere with your career
I'm a boy who pees sitting down.
The Sberbank cashier called the National Guard to the client who wanted to deposit 40 thousand coins into the account
Response to fireball post
Asking for a name
About beggars
Response to the post "Are we responsible for those whom we tamed?"
He sees the car is standing - he got into it
On the question of kilowatt-hours
Voronezh region - like in America
Skid and scream
Those double standards again
Immaculate Conception
Oral means immoral? No, it's just the opposite!
[Important!] New Rules: Disruptive Behavior and Verified Accounts
About business coaches
0 leg
Sokurov was officially declared an "enemy of the people" in Chechnya
Why we live so shittily
Decent answer
Babka Simulator
Yellow QR code
Who is smoked?
Eye of Sauron made of cardboard and foil - lamp
How can you wear a "cloak"
Sometimes the comments on the peek-a-boo are far superior to the post itself.
A Year Without Sex
About men
"We will not agree!!!"
Scorcher eyes
It used to be different.
On the question of kilowatt-hours
Law from Oleg No. 2. Virginity
Shoes do not get dirty only in Europe?
There are such
Response to the post "How cunning Japanese bought sledgehammers in the USSR - legends of our childhood"
So that's what they need
Take me, people are waiting for me
About business coaches
Returned to childhood
About beggars
About marketing and inattention
Khotyn Fortress
"How Sasha Gray gave us the name Cube in Cube"
Yandex food. Eat what they gave
Oldfag quotes
The best future for Russia is a monarchy?
Under the shadow of a mushroom
Yakutia has become the residence of Hell on earth. The most polluted place on planet Earth
Dick peaks, melon and pussy
Plus being a parent
South Korea
And the Moscow metro?
Reply to "Weapons"
In pursuit of professional deformation
Mortar shell mechanics
Pictures of American gangsters and mafia people
And then there are the bugs.
Look around
The Chronicles of Amber. Retelling in simple language, part 3
On the question of kilowatt-hours
Veterans and their relatives could not get to Piskaryovka. Officials asked to wait
Oh those women)
Childhood games
Response to the post "A young man performed namaz in the lobby of the Moscow metro"
Feat sixth: Augean stables. The sixth feat of Hercules was the cleaning of the stables of the king of Elis Avgii
About rest on Baikal, to be honest. Severe Russian tourism
True love
New bans on civilian weapons
Reply to "Turn your cheek and step back"
How the state shifted the protection of schools to parents
noble self defense
Caring Gabriel
About men
Therefore, Morrowind is a great game.
Response to the post "Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in the Donbas"
Vile situation
Flash mob from grandmothers
Why not?
Hohol all his life, and nothing, normal
Caring Gabriel
Sport rifle
Downpour in Alabama near the plant
Why not pet the kote while the potion is being prepared?
Reply to the post "About the" cops ""
I think we should take it away.
How to look
Steal in 10 seconds
Women's stories are something
A bright future with a coupon!
Be like an orc, find the good in everything
Reply to the post "Cake incident at work"
Sergei Chuev's killers sentenced
Why is the legendary Mosin rifle called the "three-ruler"?
feed and work
Boomerang, karma or what?
Inconspicuous heroes!
The Ministry of Defense of Russia proposed to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to leave Mariupol
Doctor's notes: "In a quiet pool..."
Socio-cultural research
Walk, crazy Empress. May your thoughts be unclean today
noble self defense
Dowel nail, cap, etc.)
Anti-raider-47. Theft as a dispute between business entities
feed and work
"Crib", Rambler and the Internet by cards: how the Runet looked like in the 1990s
Plus being a parent
Sergei Chuev's killers sentenced
I've tried
A small selection of translations - 270 (hot English stories)
zarboz's answer to Neighbor Parking Wars
This question has long been of concern ... but for Google it is too long)
Dick peaks, melon and pussy
Seat on the bus
A small selection of translations - 281 (hot English stories)
About merzlyavok on Wednesday
Response to the post “Residents of a village in New Moscow hide from migrants behind the Great Uzbek Wall”
From the creators of #analoguenet
Male dignity
Artificial intelligence will not tell nonsense)
Wow January
Computer wizard. Part 187. Wage slavery that won't be talked about on TV... and that's what all of Russia is all about...
Russian version
And strobe
White noise
Reply to the post "I didn't know how else to hint"
About business coaches
The formidable word Krakatoa
Shoes do not get dirty only in Europe?
Briefly and clearly
In the underground
Scandinavian Branding on the Edge - Part 2
Demo mode
With the blessing of the gods of Asgard: the Viking ship was launched by the Angara
It is extremely difficult to find an apartment in a resort town for a long time. There are different ads and owners .. But this guy has killed everyone ...
Dog pose
Strelok himself was afraid of me
Texas is tough. Shooter who opened fire at a party was beaten with bricks
Four rifled and one smooth
Plus being a parent
Personal sofa
With what tool did Cain kill Abel?
"Flourishing" over Egypt: how Nasser lost the War of attrition
Moonduck is dead...
Could have played Gadget from Chip and Dale
About the main problem of modern Cossacks
Every time I watch The Hobbit...
And a list of the music you listened to in the last week
The price of wood is out of control
"How Sasha Gray gave us the name Cube in Cube"
noble self defense
noble self defense
New bans on civilian weapons
This question has long been of concern ... but for Google it is too long)
Easy and fast replenishment of Steam and not only
New phobia
Old proverbs in a new way
Expect scammers