23-September-2013 Monday
It happens
14-July-2013 Sunday
Pikabushniks, I wonder if any of you still remember Vanshtein, Lisitsyna and Grinders?
12-July-2013 Friday
About easy wins
20-June-2013 Thursday
I'm afraid that...
11-June-2013 Tuesday
Opium for the People, or Don't Turn First.
06-June-2013 Thursday
Did not get along
05-June-2013 Wednesday
Did you know...
03-June-2013 Monday
Favorite teachers
31-May-2013 Friday
The title says nothing.
30-May-2013 Thursday
Who agrees?
30-May-2013 Thursday
That feeling when a dude from America knows Russian better than many Russians.
29-May-2013 Wednesday
Both laughter and sin.
29-May-2013 Wednesday
Sound familiar?
28-May-2013 Tuesday
Heals or hurts?
27-May-2013 Monday
27-May-2013 Monday
Ridiculous troubles of the "green" pikabushnik