Drowisnear comments

01-May-2018 Tuesday
What the fossilized excrement of Coprolites and the great extinction can tell

02-April-2018 Monday
How to know if you're in a serious relationship

01-April-2018 Sunday
underrated comment

17-March-2018 Saturday
Help me remember the game

03-March-2018 Saturday
Help find this SERIES

24-February-2018 Saturday
Recommend a good read.

15-February-2018 Thursday
Recommend a book

12-February-2018 Monday
Movie. "Cloverfield 10" (2016)

13-January-2018 Saturday
Prompt the movie, please.

29-December-2017 Friday
Peekaboo, help me find

10-December-2017 Sunday
Dementia and courage .. a little bit

03-November-2017 Friday
And again the hell of perfectionists

03-November-2017 Friday
Help me find a movie
