Drooopy comments, page 7

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02-December-2024 Monday
Why you shouldn't donate to funds

08-September-2023 Friday
Do you remember moments in your life when you just felt good?

06-August-2023 Sunday
PICNIC, but GOOD, DEVIL! You can say what you want about them, but this is RUSSIAN ROCK! "You can see my special land ... and there are miracles around!"

15-June-2023 Thursday
Help finding an old game

07-April-2023 Friday
I cheated a little, got a five

16-January-2021 Saturday
If parents didn't teach, society will teach

02-September-2020 Wednesday
About politeness

02-September-2020 Wednesday
Singapore's only executioner has been retired

02-September-2020 Wednesday
"Chief, I will give everything!"

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