DroneFly comments

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25-June-2018 Monday
The court ordered the father to pay child support without DNA testing

07-June-2018 Thursday
Caught the owner

15-May-2018 Tuesday
Weekend trip: Mongolia.

09-May-2018 Wednesday

25-April-2018 Wednesday
Skin inside out

24-April-2018 Tuesday
These keys are more expensive than my car probably

17-April-2018 Tuesday
For war, all methods are good.

21-March-2018 Wednesday
Cute ad for a Japanese airsoft club

10-March-2018 Saturday
quantum miracles.

28-February-2018 Wednesday
Student ingenuity.

28-December-2017 Thursday
Young German politician Julian Willmes tells

24-December-2017 Sunday
Another wave.

30-October-2017 Monday
May Day demonstration, 1968, Lviv

22-October-2017 Sunday
The most cruel animal is man!

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