DronQRastovich comments

[18] [2] [1]

14-September-2015 Monday
That feeling when you bought a new, liter horse, and you are advised to go to the next office, they say there are discounts today ...

14-September-2015 Monday
In light of recent events

14-September-2015 Monday
I was right now in the most tolerant bus in the world

14-September-2015 Monday
I quit smoking, I think I should be happy ...

14-September-2015 Monday
Idiots with Tool Top 10

13-September-2015 Sunday
The scepter, which the eagle on the Russian coat of arms holds in its right paw, is surmounted by a small double-headed eagle, which,

13-September-2015 Sunday
Why do men live less than women.

13-September-2015 Sunday
Georgian, Azerbaijani and Armenian.

13-September-2015 Sunday
Puzzle for drunks, stairs in the hotel.

13-September-2015 Sunday
Epic selfie.

13-September-2015 Sunday
when they say "kazakhstan"

13-September-2015 Sunday
Why do men live less than women.

12-September-2015 Saturday
Reflection 03: Feminism

12-September-2015 Saturday
Azerbaijan from a new angle

11-September-2015 Friday
A true friend.

27-August-2015 Thursday

23-August-2015 Sunday
light addiction

23-August-2015 Sunday

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