Drakonik comments, page 42

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03-October-2023 Tuesday

04-September-2023 Monday
No meaning, just a favorite cat. May it be forever sealed. Alive and well!

07-July-2023 Friday
Larian got banned from TikTok because of the bear sex scene from Baldur's Gate 3

27-May-2023 Saturday
Response to the post "She wanted to remain unnoticed, but now let the whole country see her"

26-March-2023 Sunday

22-March-2023 Wednesday
Start of a new week at Factory No. 28

17-March-2023 Friday
As if dad came to the matinee to support his son

09-March-2023 Thursday
Bill on Foreign Agents Withdrawn from Georgian Parliament

20-February-2023 Monday
brain explosion

14-February-2023 Tuesday
In the suburbs, a drunken Tajik beat the manager of Wildberries after refusing to get to know him better

14-February-2023 Tuesday
Oh well then okay

12-February-2023 Sunday
Soviet heavy metal, cruel and merciless

11-February-2023 Saturday
Cool dude! But questions remain

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