Dr0papayka comments

[28] [2] [1]

12-March-2020 Thursday
Policemen fire back at a group of teenagers

03-March-2020 Tuesday
The ocean is a wonderful place!

09-February-2020 Sunday
This monkey's face is priceless

04-February-2020 Tuesday
I'll bite your finger

27-January-2020 Monday

25-January-2020 Saturday
Ahhh! Progress, what are you doing?

11-January-2020 Saturday
This is fashion. I thought her pants just fell down

09-January-2020 Thursday
From believer to atheist in five minutes!!!

06-January-2020 Monday
Are you really a plumber?

29-December-2019 Sunday
Rutube burn in hell!

28-December-2019 Saturday
He weighs 86 kilos but is still afraid of EVERYTHING

[28] [2] [1]
