31-August-2015 Monday
I came to the kindergarten for my daughter, turned up the sound and then ...
28-July-2015 Tuesday
30-September-2014 Tuesday
A little about the police
28-September-2014 Sunday
This is Novoross, baby!
06-September-2014 Saturday
A complete set of these wonderful art / Realistic Naruto
14-August-2014 Thursday
Asphalt was laid in Ukhta, which comes off by hand
09-August-2014 Saturday
Reaction to the ban on European products
22-July-2014 Tuesday
I was on the bus and...
19-July-2014 Saturday
Reached the famous house :)
08-July-2014 Tuesday
Medical Romance [2]
13-June-2014 Friday
The whole essence of the Russian Post... Or who goes for coffee.
13-June-2014 Friday
Advice from Game of Thrones.
05-June-2014 Thursday
Capital of Poland
27-May-2014 Tuesday
Campaigning in Germany.
18-April-2014 Friday
Not everyone will understand
22-March-2014 Saturday
Radio Rock FM has released a list of the 100 best rock songs
18-March-2014 Tuesday
Today marks the 55th anniversary of the cult director of our time, Luc Besson!