28-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The healing properties of dumplings”
08-May-2023 Monday
Not everyone will understand, not many will remember
05-March-2023 Sunday
Response to the post "What's the dumbest thing you've ever done on autopilot?"
22-February-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “What have you experienced that actually happens once in a million?”
06-September-2021 Monday
Question level: Alexey
11-March-2020 Wednesday
Sweet middle name
29-December-2018 Saturday
T-shirt print
17-April-2016 Sunday
Why do animals love capybaras so much?
22-November-2015 Sunday
And no one will know about it!
18-October-2015 Sunday
Post office, mother.
23-September-2015 Wednesday
If you witness an epileptic seizure
03-September-2015 Thursday
Long post about a lamb on a spit