Doom10 posts

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02-October-2018 Tuesday
590 days did not come here.... where am I???

19-February-2017 Sunday
History of one purchase

24-January-2017 Tuesday
Filmed a picture in Typical Moscow

15-March-2016 Tuesday
each other

07-March-2016 Monday
I will arrange a small gift in honor of the holiday

21-February-2016 Sunday
I saturate my life

21-February-2016 Sunday
I saturate my life

25-December-2015 Friday
Keyboard cleaning

13-November-2015 Friday

28-June-2015 Sunday
My best photo 2 (Tomsk)

30-January-2015 Friday
Help me find a movie

24-January-2014 Friday
Tip of the Day: "If you don't remember the name, call for a compliment"

13-January-2014 Monday
I challenge @3BaLu Ghost

27-July-2013 Saturday
I wrote something

30-May-2013 Thursday
Two great series. Long post!

25-May-2013 Saturday
In defense of the girl

16-May-2013 Thursday
Guys need a girl!! Peter

15-May-2013 Wednesday
My best photo

13-May-2013 Monday
Oh, it took my soul, how can you be like that? Not mine, but written from the heart.

04-May-2013 Saturday
girl case

29-April-2013 Monday
Here is the man

22-April-2013 Monday
How much is our honor worth?

15-April-2013 Monday
I recruit good people

06-April-2013 Saturday
It's a reconstruction

05-April-2013 Friday
Why are you so?

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