worst comments
Recipe for a good series ^^
purely masculine)
Recipe for a good series ^^
This is a text for Ukrainians who do not understand why they trample on their flag, and why they hate the words: "Glory to Ukraine" translation in the comments.
The method needs to be improved.
Lannisters always pay their debts)
Mega fight
ladies will understand)
I agree. Everything that happens there is never funny
Regimental commander colonel Moshkin escorts the last shot rocket in the city of Aleysk.
I'll just put my head here, and you eat, eat)))
Oh, the next generation...
OLD SPICE commercial for one take
Ron Weasley and me. Similar? well, at least a little?
Fat Dropped!
Hot Dog
Turned on my boyfriend screamer ...
I remembered the time when 1 computer was for 2 with my brother ...
I fell asleep)))
I'll just put my head here, and you eat, eat)))
girls have fun
lol ;)
Perhaps a button accordion
Kitten turned 24.
What the...??!!
The Avengers are the Avengers
How I went to the Moscow Zoo.
chocolate candy
The whole essence of modern online games :)
The traffic cop who deprived the rights of an ATC officer and an airport doctor was fired.
I did the same, did you?
The boy serving the balls helped the goalkeeper hit the penalty with advice)
Don't wake the sleeping cat!
Black background =)
Hands are itchy
Not everything thought out in a suit
It is hard to believe that these photographs are over a hundred years old.
Fat Dropped!
"This house fell into a deep pit due to hydro-washing of sand for the construction of high-rise buildings. Now it is reliably protected by a 6-meter wall."
hello hello i know the answer
There are no words...
I'm an old pirate and don't know the words of the license agreement...
Frendzone level 99999999999
7 reasons to live in Russia
Fire in the market
Frendzone level 99999999999
In the darkness of the night ...
Turned on my boyfriend screamer ...
Nyashki and poop ...
So that's it!
Where is this world heading ...
Poor Hagrid...
Russian food through the eyes of foreigners
Tabor leaves
Liked the comment.
feel like a boss
Obvious evidence =)
2 categories
it did start
How could he even be planted?
When someone reread Russian classics
What the...??!!
I'm deactivating these traps now...
53-year-old Muscovite accused of brutally beating three OMON fighters
There is no money...
Who played - will understand)
Don't be afraid to take homeless animals 2!
What does news from CNN look like?
the secret of borscht
Nice cosplay
Skyrim in its own way
Here is the shipping
Black background =)
2 categories
Advice for those who do not want to buy a dog or something like a dog for their wife, girlfriend, daughter...
He did it!
Today I am 23 and for the first time I celebrate my birthday alone
Russian thinking
Everywhere he
Everywhere he
Everywhere he
Everywhere he
That very moment ...
Everywhere he
Everywhere he
200 years ago
I agree. Everything that happens there is never funny
Woman worries about impact of jackhammer noise on her unborn child
A touching story from Jeremy Clarkson.
The right questions
2 categories
Ice cream
Something to do with nerves.
Loneliness is so
Hanger in a store in Germany..
Not for the sake of pluses, the post is good.
Comments on the pick-up
I bought replacement blocks for a toilet freshener.
Fox and cat
Last of Us
Not bit, not beautiful
Such a Roquefort...
Just guys carrying invisible pots, yeah.
Something like this, an excellent student-sycophant laughs at the teacher's jokes
Police officers and protesters help a fat guy take off his pants
Mega fight
How I went to the Moscow Zoo.
In the Internet...
Henri Matisse and his wife
Yo#@ny chaos.
Comment .
Sword of the Jedi
World peace ^_^
I'm sorry - but I just can't stand it
Just guys carrying invisible pots, yeah.
Independence itself
Shopping list
All good mood \o/
Meanwhile in Crimea
What the...??!!
About the dog
Big kush.
They send baubles to someone and write letters, and Lewiss and I have a whole portrait.
lol ;)
Fake girl
Fake girl
History of neighbors.
Should have gone to the doctor
Arabs and blacks in European teams
Got rid of the past...
Please help me make dad happy!
I am under the table
Kurt Cobain, leader of led zeppelin, turns 50 today.
I agree. Everything that happens there is never funny
dog with arthritis
Everywhere he
Final Countdown.
Everyone has the right to life
The main correct approach
dog with arthritis
From anime
dog with arthritis
The black hole tore apart a star that got too close to it.
Goodbye and Welcome
The whole essence of modern online games :)
Fake girl
I need ammo
Left 4 dead
Interest Ask
What league are you from?
The scariest
Good thing I'm not a student anymore
Stop 9GAG!!!
An evening walk
And so every time ...
And so every time ...
Tell these guys how working at the office at the computer is hard and injurious to your health
American prison, 3 years of my term there...Part 4
The method needs to be improved.
Ice Crack Escape
And with these people we spend most of our lives)
Students and experiences
'Cause you gotta brag
When you have internet problems...
Meanwhile in Crimea
This is a text for Ukrainians who do not understand why they trample on their flag, and why they hate the words: "Glory to Ukraine" translation in the comments.
My grandmother is Daniel Radcliffe, a time traveler.
"I think I know which one I'll choose"
Down with the stalk!
Land of the Stars!
Probably 21+
Bravery and stupidity.
sad drawing
stupid alarm :(
Bang bang, oh-oh-oh
Have you tried reloading?
Hentai :O
Moments in the history of the war.
Here we wash...
Forever Alone
The truth is
Schoolchildren, since you are still sitting here, answer your uncle's question!
No, seriously, peek-a-boo turns into god knows what!
Here's a thing I found in the jaguar x-type.
About using holidays
Perhaps a button accordion
Perhaps a button accordion
Perhaps a button accordion
Xena and Hercules
Already infuriated!
some witty batmanism
In connection with the onset of the first day and the accrual of Internet traffic
Schoolchildren, since you are still sitting here, answer your uncle's question!
relevant to me..
Do not shoot
But dude is right
But dude is right
It's not every day you see something like this from your window.
Contacting admins. Please make a "Worst" tab for posts with a negative rating. I love reading pearls.
August Sovereign
9 intriguing puzzle movies
It is high time.
By the evening I should be executed, etc. Carefully mat.
A brief history of Pixar cartoons over 20 years
My mom asked me why Harry Potter got so fat.
Learn your native language!
Sheldon, such Sheldon...
My first club.
It's always been amazing.)
Americans are unloading
My grandmother is Daniel Radcliffe, a time traveler.
This is a text for Ukrainians who do not understand why they trample on their flag, and why they hate the words: "Glory to Ukraine" translation in the comments.
Assassin's creed 3