DmitryOpalev posts

22-November-2018 Thursday
I will give in good hands, Simferopol

29-June-2018 Friday
fresh frozen water

18-September-2016 Sunday
About the election infographic

01-April-2016 Friday
How to Become a Blackmailer and Extortionist (Prank by Technozet P2.)

31-March-2016 Thursday
How to win a phone and become mentally retarded (prank from

02-February-2016 Tuesday
Checkmate, atheists!

05-January-2016 Tuesday
Friendship between a man and a woman is possible...

28-September-2015 Monday
Be careful! MTS.

03-July-2015 Friday
to the truth

30-August-2014 Saturday

26-July-2014 Saturday
Mother with daughter
