worst comments
Moment of glory
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Batai call
August - black month
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
How to protect innocent people?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
August - black month
How to protect innocent people?
Roskomnadzor banned an article about the “Dulles plan” on Lurkomorye
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
How to interview a candidate for Miss Finland
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Are you being forced to quack? At work, in the shopping center, in public places QUARequest?
Start Ohr
Is it true that vaccines change our DNA?
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
"Diet water with low hydrogen content" or a direct path to cardiac arrest?
And cleverly you came up with it.
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Roskomnadzor banned an article about the “Dulles plan” on Lurkomorye
The answer to the post “Why does the world need Central Banks and how did it happen that Nabiulina became the third problem of Russia after fools and roads?”
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Once upon a time
How to protect innocent people?
Life injustice
Start Ohr
Programmers will pay tax on the development of the sovereign Internet
The answer to the post “Why does the world need Central Banks and how did it happen that Nabiulina became the third problem of Russia after fools and roads?”
Start Ohr
How to protect innocent people?
Roskomnadzor banned an article about the “Dulles plan” on Lurkomorye
How to protect innocent people?
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
Moment of glory
Don't forget to untie the card after buying it on Wildberries 2.0
Chip with new firmware
August - black month
August - black month
Start Ohr
How to protect innocent people?
Start Ohr
August - black month
August - black month
August - black month
August - black month
August - black month
August - black month
At one of the factories
How young Stalin witnessed the injustice of the tsarist police
August - black month
August - black month
August - black month
Life injustice
Start Ohr
Life truth...
August - black month
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
Consequences of a fire in the village of Byas Kuel, Yakutia
Reply to the post "About the" cops ""
Reply to the post "About the" cops ""
What to do with a cat
The answer to the post “Why does the world need Central Banks and how did it happen that Nabiulina became the third problem of Russia after fools and roads?”
The answer to the post “Why does the world need Central Banks and how did it happen that Nabiulina became the third problem of Russia after fools and roads?”
Programmers will pay tax on the development of the sovereign Internet
Chip with new firmware
Chip with new firmware
Chip with new firmware
Roskomnadzor banned an article about the “Dulles plan” on Lurkomorye
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Moment of glory
Compulsory vaccination
Do rich people rob the whole planet?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
How to protect innocent people?
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
How to protect innocent people?
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Three months before the epidemic screwed up? Let's fix it!
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
There is a shortage of timber in Russia, and prices for it are starting to soar. At this moment, the wood that goes to the Chinese:
Moment of glory
Centuries-old history of European humanism, tolerance and philanthropy
Once upon a time
Chip with new firmware
Chip with new firmware
Do rich people rob the whole planet?
Response to the post "One aspect of domestic business, who is to blame?"
News headline: "It became known who drilled a hole in the Soyuz in 2018". Opening...
And she is stubborn
And she is stubborn
Better than some movies
How to protect innocent people?
Start Ohr
Start Ohr
Start Ohr
Start Ohr
About homosexuality
August - black month
Life injustice
Life injustice
What to do if you find yourself on the rails in the subway?
What to do if you find yourself on the rails in the subway?
Installation of electrical wiring on wooden structures
August - black month
August - black month
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
EP has 45% .... society means everything suits
EP has 45% .... society means everything suits
EP has 45% .... society means everything suits
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Why is the world elite not being vaccinated? And they don’t give commoners a passage, they force them to vacuum?
Something is wrong with me...
Confusion about the general situation of coronavirus and (re)vaccination