Dinamque comments, page 3

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05-November-2013 Tuesday
Guys, tell me how to do it right. Be understanding.

04-November-2013 Monday

03-November-2013 Sunday

02-November-2013 Saturday
About people and freaks on Peekaboo.

30-October-2013 Wednesday
Photoshop masters, could you colorize this picture?

16-October-2013 Wednesday
Today I launched Call of duty ....... and a tear of nostalgia rolled down.

16-October-2013 Wednesday

14-October-2013 Monday
Push the tempo

07-October-2013 Monday

05-October-2013 Saturday
Small, is that you?

01-October-2013 Tuesday
Ride on the navigator, yeah =(

30-September-2013 Monday
American prison, 3 years of my term there...Part 7

29-September-2013 Sunday
Watched the movie "OKOLOFOOTBALL"

22-September-2013 Sunday
Cat love :D

22-September-2013 Sunday
What is Caps lock and how to eat it.

22-August-2013 Thursday
How many squares do you see?

20-August-2013 Tuesday
sea ??life

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