Dimonrazvor comments, page 5

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30-September-2014 Tuesday
The cat gave birth to six kittens last night. At the same time, she adopted another 10-week-old kitten who needed motherly love.

28-September-2014 Sunday
10 japanese fetishes. Part 2

25-September-2014 Thursday
Peekaboo Achievements (Part 2)

19-September-2014 Friday
My job is an archaeologist. Minus - do not minus, but these are the modern realities.

16-September-2014 Tuesday
An unexpected adventure

16-September-2014 Tuesday
"I'm sitting in my office, not touching anyone, and then bam!"

10-September-2014 Wednesday
I won't spoil, see for yourself.

07-September-2014 Sunday
How I sawed the shelf ...

06-September-2014 Saturday
The cat is broken.

06-September-2014 Saturday
Our beloved girls.

06-September-2014 Saturday
Promise - do it.

02-September-2014 Tuesday
If the patient wants to live - medicine is powerless here!

28-August-2014 Thursday
It becomes clear to me where people like Jen Psaki come from ...

26-August-2014 Tuesday
Surprised and amazing animals.

24-August-2014 Sunday
If you were born on an airplane, what is your Nationality?

13-August-2014 Wednesday
Painted a shield for dad

10-August-2014 Sunday
Went to finca, hot discounts

29-July-2014 Tuesday
My sister's face when she sees a cat :3

29-July-2014 Tuesday
Today we will dine in hell, granddaughters!!!

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