Dimanych posts

25-December-2016 Sunday
I am looking for communication with the beautiful

11-June-2015 Thursday
Announcement of a new mode in Hearthstone.

04-June-2015 Thursday
Spoilers , I , after passing The Witcher 3: Wild hunt

30-April-2015 Thursday
Might & Magic® Heroes® VII

26-April-2015 Sunday
Diablo passed, Torchlight too, but I still can’t kill this big guy.

07-March-2015 Saturday
But not only Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition, I was personally upset, even if in this case it's not an HD edition, but it didn't get any better.

25-February-2015 Wednesday
The police staged a chase for a tow truck on Red Square

12-February-2015 Thursday
Not mine, but it's just brilliant.

02-January-2015 Friday
Moscow, Biryulyovo-Zapadnoe, Kharkiv street, house 4, found Yorkshire Terrier - mini (girl) weight about a kilogram, color beige

27-October-2014 Monday
Rospotrebnadzor delved into the study of lice migration, it is interesting what caused the choice of lice.)

18-May-2014 Sunday
Let's not forget those whose songs marked an entire era.
