DiKoChu comments, page 2

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11-December-2014 Thursday
Photo about the benefits of cleaning the house

05-December-2014 Friday
It's about time

27-November-2014 Thursday
Avito uplifts the mood

25-November-2014 Tuesday
When breakfast is an art

24-October-2014 Friday
It's okay, this is Siberia

23-October-2014 Thursday
"Outstanding actor" John Mealing and his unusual script

21-October-2014 Tuesday
I had to improvise (thanks to physics)

21-October-2014 Tuesday
Lifehack for pikabu users, from a mobile phone.

19-October-2014 Sunday
cat optics

19-October-2014 Sunday

17-October-2014 Friday
14 interesting facts about the movie "Forrest Gump"

13-October-2014 Monday
Free Parking Goddess 80lvl

10-October-2014 Friday
The passenger of the plane joked that he had Ebola.

10-October-2014 Friday
Debut Friday "mine"

09-October-2014 Thursday
Somewhere in the dorm...

09-October-2014 Thursday
Wise perpod

09-October-2014 Thursday
"Well, we've arrived!" I thought dejectedly.

09-October-2014 Thursday
Meeting of summer tire lovers in Tomsk

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