28-June-2014 Saturday
Witty Saleswoman
15-June-2014 Sunday
And we opened a sex shop!
06-June-2014 Friday
Realized the phrase Peekaboo you made my day
06-June-2014 Friday
The boys politely ask
10-January-2014 Friday
Be carefull
31-October-2013 Thursday
There was a stunning fog in Rostov yesterday :)
18-October-2013 Friday
Rotten Automotive Europe (Long Post)
06-October-2013 Sunday
Black mirror
28-September-2013 Saturday
Russian Penguin
14-September-2013 Saturday
The evolution of communication
11-September-2013 Wednesday
Panty Magic
06-September-2013 Friday
I'm irritated like shaving skin!!
06-September-2013 Friday
A small selection of color photographs taken in Leningrad in 1961.
22-August-2013 Thursday
Stolen from contact. Very delivered))
03-August-2013 Saturday
Airborne Forces holiday, keep it up
02-August-2013 Friday
25-June-2013 Tuesday
Where is the guy who draws on tens?
04-June-2013 Tuesday
Namusoril-get it for cabbage soup!
25-May-2013 Saturday
Rostov on Don
24-April-2013 Wednesday
This is Garik