Dewertor comments, page 2

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29-February-2020 Saturday

26-February-2020 Wednesday
SportsNet's Best NHL Fights of the Week

26-February-2020 Wednesday
How far have toys come these days?

26-February-2020 Wednesday
How we refused to participate in charity

25-February-2020 Tuesday
Gift for 21st birthday

10-February-2020 Monday
“This squirrel always brings me pine cones to exchange for nuts.”

10-February-2020 Monday
Once again about hints

07-February-2020 Friday
Working visit

07-February-2020 Friday
Patriarch Kirill was found to have a watch with diamonds worth 16 thousand dollars!

06-February-2020 Thursday
Wild woman

29-January-2020 Wednesday
The courier is waiting at the door

28-January-2020 Tuesday
About Chechnya 2000 (do not read for the faint of heart)

23-January-2020 Thursday
Baptism of fire

18-January-2020 Saturday
And he doesn't mind

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