best comments
Kill or be killed?
Auto service, history.
Kill or be killed?
Dedicated to Oldfags
Kill or be killed?
Kill or be killed?
Kill or be killed?
Kill or be killed?
Maidan: Apocalypse...
Novosibirsk drug control and GoPro
From the series: Mom, honestly, I need all this for my studies
Kill or be killed?
Hailey Leigh
Career growth
September 3 - Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism and the day the terrorist attack in Beslan ended
Maidan: Apocalypse...
It's good to have a hobby
Day-night pixel art - sticky
That's how we live...
That's how we live...
The death of video games.
The fall of a snowboarder from the Czech Republic...
Maidan: Apocalypse...
Maidan: Apocalypse...
Maidan: Apocalypse...
Appeal to adults!
In response to the post http://pikabu.ru/story/_2478807, he is also 19 years old.
A little about the blacksmith's life, write questions for the next. post
Applied chemistry
The crew beta
"Today I got my perfect cheeseburger just like they advertise."
"Mom, they showed me on the screen! I starred in Mad Max Fury Road" (not mine)