worst comments
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
unnecessary invention
Everything is fine. survived.
Jim Carrey at the match New York - Philadelphia
phantom comma
Everything is fine. survived.
Everything is fine. survived.
And my wife approved!
phantom comma
How we live in Crimea now
Selfie of the Year
Probably many of you once bought a contract engine, as they say "Pig in a Poke"
Bombed, exploded, banged, karoch fart in ah * e
And yet it's hair!
Alpha as such
phantom comma
Rough and wrong, but taught a lesson ...
So that everyone has beautiful and smart girls
Well, I'm not like everyone else) I didn't lose weight, I got fat.