worst comments
Saved 4 seconds on the railway crossing.
My apartment rental experience
The Inquisition is sweeping the country.
My girlfriend. Purchase of engine oil.
The Inquisition is sweeping the country.
Friday everyone!!! And love your parents!
Friday everyone!!! And love your parents!
Friday everyone!!! And love your parents!
Scammers or not?
Sberbank imposes services at the level of street gypsies.
The Inquisition is sweeping the country.
Genius taxi driver.
Scammers or not?
OMS "How I went to the dentist"
OMS "How I went to the dentist"
OMS "How I went to the dentist"
OMS "How I went to the dentist"
OMS "How I went to the dentist"
OMS "How I went to the dentist"
Chemical attack
Evening of a loser or how I went to prostitutes) Drama in three acts with an epilogue.
My girlfriend. Purchase of engine oil.
My girlfriend. Purchase of engine oil.
Yandex Taxi and a bit of fraud
In search of a drinking buddy.
The policeman had fun shooting a detained Tajik
Moscow, rain