Delawer posts

21-December-2017 Thursday
The holiday comes to us....

11-July-2017 Tuesday
Invasion Simulator 2017

23-July-2016 Saturday
Grace or when the leg is numb

01-January-2016 Friday
Mobile medical aid station January 1

28-October-2015 Wednesday
Army of Darkness - 8 Bit Cinema

06-July-2015 Monday
When I decided to try out the new acoustics to the fullest

28-February-2015 Saturday
How is that

28-December-2014 Sunday
Found, shed a tear .... old comrade)

25-December-2014 Thursday
New Yandex traffic scale

09-November-2014 Sunday
Another cry from the soul of the neighbors

08-October-2014 Wednesday
Don't be afraid, let's get through!
