Defon comments

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27-July-2014 Sunday
Japan. What do the Japanese know about Russia? Funny fashionista.

26-July-2014 Saturday
My homeless sash)))

25-July-2014 Friday
Are we doing the right thing?

24-July-2014 Thursday
Vanga's prophecy

23-July-2014 Wednesday
Promotion at the hairdresser

22-July-2014 Tuesday
mini garden in a light bulb

11-July-2014 Friday
Luhansk doctor bought 500,000 hryvnia worth of ammunition for the militia

11-July-2014 Friday
good mood

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Curse of the Black Mage

07-July-2014 Monday
This is about me )))

01-July-2014 Tuesday
Am I the only one who watched a cartoon that is almost never shown now?

29-June-2014 Sunday
What would you do?

29-June-2014 Sunday
Russian, Belarusian, Novoros, Kazakh, Chuvash, Tatar

29-June-2014 Sunday
Do not do like this

28-June-2014 Saturday
The composition of the Ukrainian schoolgirl. c, Marina Krasilnikova

24-June-2014 Tuesday
State students from Russia in Oxford and contract recruits

22-June-2014 Sunday
Fighter of the fifth generation PAK FA

22-June-2014 Sunday
Assistance to refugees

20-June-2014 Friday
My graduation project, finished a couple of days ago))

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