05-September-2015 Saturday
A little bit from the life of the Great Freddie Mercury
04-September-2015 Friday
Dormitory in Magnitogorsk again
03-September-2015 Thursday
An employee of the American registry office was sent to prison for refusing to register same-sex marriages.
03-September-2015 Thursday
The best parents!!
24-August-2015 Monday
Do-it-yourself tandoor (Part I of II)
24-August-2015 Monday
Moscow libraries will revise the lists of purchased books. This was announced by the head of the capital's department of culture A. Kibovski.
22-August-2015 Saturday
And in 98 everyone laughed ..
18-August-2015 Tuesday
I wouldn't be able to
18-August-2015 Tuesday
Perfect hit
16-August-2015 Sunday
15-August-2015 Saturday
07-August-2015 Friday
Justice exists
06-August-2015 Thursday
Consumor aliis inserviendo (shone to others, I burn myself)
03-August-2015 Monday
Home Hi-Fi system for a small budget
02-August-2015 Sunday
This is how students are drilled in China.
01-August-2015 Saturday
How are these people hired?!
31-July-2015 Friday
how i brought my granny
30-July-2015 Thursday
The consignment.
29-July-2015 Wednesday
Interesting neighbor
28-July-2015 Tuesday
Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vlady, Los Angeles, 1976