DechMusic comments, page 7

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03-October-2023 Tuesday
Unusual situation with an order in an online store

01-October-2023 Sunday
If this isn't a joke, then I don't believe it can be.

28-September-2023 Thursday
How the brain drain in favor of the United States works

28-September-2023 Thursday

27-September-2023 Wednesday
What would happen now is unknown

26-September-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Soon you will be able to grow new teeth!”

24-September-2023 Sunday
We pronounce IT terms correctly

23-September-2023 Saturday
Husband and photos of naked girls

23-September-2023 Saturday
This is a wide post!

23-September-2023 Saturday
Sound familiar?

22-September-2023 Friday
Damn, something like this

18-September-2023 Monday
Reply to the post “Briefly about why you can’t contact MTS”

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