DeadMorozzzz comments, page 5

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24-September-2015 Thursday
pigeon concert.

29-August-2015 Saturday
\"My brother went on a trip, using an application like \"fellow travelers\", this is the only photo I received from him

04-July-2015 Saturday
Heres a better one then it will be

19-June-2015 Friday
How not to fall into the friendzone

11-June-2015 Thursday
How not to jump into the water

06-June-2015 Saturday
It's terrible when you realize that...

06-June-2015 Saturday
I went to see new applications on wp 8.1

06-June-2015 Saturday
Squirrel feeding

29-May-2015 Friday
Earn a Carefree Life in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

09-May-2015 Saturday
parenting tricks

27-April-2015 Monday
Happy birthday.

12-April-2015 Sunday
The first 4 episodes of season 5 have been leaked online.

12-April-2015 Sunday
Family life

10-April-2015 Friday
Very angry cat.

13-March-2015 Friday
When grandma goes to the record

13-March-2015 Friday
Baz, look, there's a mistake in the title!

13-March-2015 Friday
Gabin says hello to everyone

13-March-2015 Friday
Geologists are not asleep

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