17-August-2017 Thursday
The girl got a temporary henna tattoo.
03-July-2017 Monday
Cube bike thief in Moscow
16-June-2017 Friday
There is a proposal!
06-June-2017 Tuesday
Russian lesson №20
21-April-2017 Friday
Charming ladies.
23-March-2017 Thursday
Vanished Curse
08-March-2017 Wednesday
Some facts about herpes
03-March-2017 Friday
04-December-2016 Sunday
Painted the ukulele
24-November-2016 Thursday
Babysitter Diary 2
03-November-2016 Thursday
"On the verge of ovulation of the brain", or "What destroys the female mind"
28-October-2016 Friday
Nanny Diary
05-August-2016 Friday
Technical Library in Prague
10-October-2015 Saturday
What do men think about after a second divorce or a sexist note.
25-September-2015 Friday
How do they look?
21-June-2015 Sunday
Tsoi is alive!
17-June-2015 Wednesday
Pick one to kill (again if needed), one to have sex, and one to be your best friend
10-June-2015 Wednesday
In good hands St. Petersburg.
03-June-2015 Wednesday
Let's drink to love
03-June-2015 Wednesday
I will be in trend: #treason