Darus comments

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04-March-2014 Tuesday
CRKT Hole In One

03-March-2014 Monday
View from the ISS

24-February-2014 Monday
Why is it good to be a dove.

22-February-2014 Saturday
Help finding a RUST server

05-December-2013 Thursday
On a test drive of new tires from a well-known manufacturer.

27-November-2013 Wednesday
Continuation of the Russian rally)

27-November-2013 Wednesday
-We already don't have something ... -Nothing, we'll get there)))

23-November-2013 Saturday
The answer to the "perfectionist hell" series of flags

12-November-2013 Tuesday
This is a rally on Russian roads. In general, no comments, see for yourself. =)

11-November-2013 Monday
Stress and dilemma on the roads of the Russian rally

02-November-2013 Saturday
We're sailing...

26-October-2013 Saturday
Winter is coming soon.

25-October-2013 Friday
What do guys do when their girlfriends are at the computer

19-October-2013 Saturday
Funny kitten.

18-October-2013 Friday
This is Russia baby)

18-October-2013 Friday
Roma, will you be shady?

17-October-2013 Thursday
How could it all end, at the very beginning

12-October-2013 Saturday
The funniest ad from Thailand

05-October-2013 Saturday
Such different reactions, but in some ways they are all similar.

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