Darktom comments, page 2

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06-March-2013 Wednesday
Do you have a subway in your city?

06-March-2013 Wednesday

05-March-2013 Tuesday
Very vital

05-March-2013 Tuesday
Let's take a poll) What was your last completed game?

05-March-2013 Tuesday

05-March-2013 Tuesday
Read before you go on vacation.

02-March-2013 Saturday
For Simpson lovers

01-March-2013 Friday
Everyone is obsessed with these series

01-March-2013 Friday
I don't know how many people will understand :)

01-March-2013 Friday
They were stubborn before it became mainstream.

01-March-2013 Friday

01-March-2013 Friday
A picture of your favorite Group, artist in the comments! Let's see what Pikabushniks are listening to)

01-March-2013 Friday
Monument to Master Yoda

01-March-2013 Friday
What would YOU do?

01-March-2013 Friday

28-February-2013 Thursday
20 years later :)

28-February-2013 Thursday
Well, you can't!

27-February-2013 Wednesday
This mysterious Cyrillic

27-February-2013 Wednesday
Wanted heroes? I have them)

27-February-2013 Wednesday
Who watched the second one?

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