DarkRatel comments, page 53

[53] [52] [1]

01-January-2025 Wednesday
Zebroidx's reply to "Should Illuminate Motherland in the Colors of Another State in a New Year's Greeting? Self-Respect in Ukraine Is Officially All Over"

25-December-2024 Wednesday
Response to the post "ATM Arson"

17-December-2024 Tuesday
Medvedev: Ukraine's military-political leadership must be destroyed

17-December-2024 Tuesday
RNahalem's answer to "On a Perm minibus, a zoomer was rude to grannies, for which he got a beating from one of the passengers"

15-December-2024 Sunday
Russia=Imperium of Humanity?

13-December-2024 Friday
A second before...

13-December-2024 Friday
About medals from the other side

09-December-2024 Monday
Abkhazia without electricity

27-November-2024 Wednesday
Here is the real Miss Pikabu. Try to argue

09-November-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "About those who "go their own way""

22-October-2024 Tuesday
We mourn the loss of Stiver, the founder and inspiration of Flibusta

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