best comments
Opening traps in chess #1 Countergambit Albin
To the topic of mods on Civilization V
2010 in games
Unsuccessful vacation
shovel everyone
DIY trenches
To the topic of mods on Civilization V
Democracy in Civilization 5.
Democracy in Civilization 5.
To the topic of mods on Civilization V
Help peekaboo, I'll be fired because of boredom
Stroke, stroke. kaaaaif.......
Another evening picture from Engozero
When the ball is one, but Travolta is not
LOOOOOOOOOT post about a raft trip.
Z - how I met your mother, fire at six o'clock, Billy!!!...
Democracy in Civilization 5. Another city-state and a new study.
Democracy in Civilization 5. Election of the general and arrangement of townspeople.
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance...
Why don't we colonize Titan