Danny5665 comments

02-July-2015 Thursday
Kemerovo, terrible conditions in Siberia

22-June-2015 Monday
When the wife passed on the rights

17-June-2015 Wednesday
The dome covers Siberia.

04-June-2015 Thursday
The life of a traffic cop.

21-May-2015 Thursday
Belaz is waiting for a wheel replacement.

14-May-2015 Thursday
Continuation of the story about my collection of cars! RAF-2203

02-May-2015 Saturday
Some of my Dotwork drawings

02-May-2015 Saturday
Sunset in Kemerovo!

27-January-2015 Tuesday
It seems to me or ...

21-January-2015 Wednesday
The movie you didn't know about!

12-January-2015 Monday
Kpedo killers! Coming soon to the cinema! We wait!

11-January-2015 Sunday
Beauty of Russia! Siberia, Kuznetsk Alatau.
