best comments
We don’t abandon our own (but this is inaccurate)
Black Russian is no longer just a cocktail
It's always fun with dad
Linen. region Volkhov now, the first city in Russia where a full quarantine was introduced
Flower from shoe covers
Anthony Hopkins' letter to Bryan Cranston after watching Breaking Bad
Support for Russian game developers, or why it’s better not to buy their games
West coast of Kamchatka
How Germans buy time with money, and then vice versa
How to make a paper airplane that flies far
1 year and 4 months - cost of living
Booking and Suvar Kazan Studio
All the calculators at Rosstat are broken. Counting on fingers
Support for Russian game developers, or why it’s better not to buy their games
Support for Russian game developers, or why it’s better not to buy their games
We are against lowering gasoline prices.Novak
A criminal case was opened against the chief infectious disease specialist of the Stavropol region
Tell them all about the police - that's it! Great job
Free water
Support for Russian game developers, or why it’s better not to buy their games
Support for Russian game developers, or why it’s better not to buy their games
Life is a game
In Turkmenistan, schoolchildren and state employees were required to carry licorice root syrup with them
Stephen Fry on God
A courier in Wuhan uses an exoskeleton for large orders. And yet he is a genius
A month without sugar
About the funeral
There were times...
Can anyone hear us (4)
Support for Russian game developers, or why it’s better not to buy their games
Big blade
Linen. region Volkhov now, the first city in Russia where a full quarantine was introduced
Linen. region Volkhov now, the first city in Russia where a full quarantine was introduced
Bund against voicemails?