best comments
Vicious circle - Siemens around!
Reply to the post “Mortgage before the wedding”
Political correctness
From the other world
That's true
Reply to the post “Mortgage before the wedding”
Dating for shy people. Guys
30 years old and no brain
In Russia, Cyberpunk 2077 costs 2 times cheaper than in Western countries
Lesson 10 - Project mixer, Motor + Mosfet transistor IRF530 - Arduino / ArduBlock 2.0
I'm really scared
30 years old and no brain
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
And they were 16 years old...
From March 8...
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
Tu bi or not tu bi, or I ask for advice
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
In Russia, Cyberpunk 2077 costs 2 times cheaper than in Western countries
Two software calculators...
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer
Connecting electrical appliances
30 years old and no brain
Collapse of the pension system
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?
How can a foreigner arrange his personal life in Europe?