DELETED.3115634 comments, page 2

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11-March-2020 Wednesday
Online stream - Muscovites come out against the usurpation of power by Putin

11-March-2020 Wednesday
News by email

11-March-2020 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Repairing the city with our own hands”

09-March-2020 Monday
North and Krasnodar region

09-March-2020 Monday
Olympics 2014. My look back at the events of those years

09-March-2020 Monday
Fitch analyst reported the threat of devaluation in Russia due to oil prices

09-March-2020 Monday
Four times science went too far

09-March-2020 Monday
Food prohibitions of Russian peasants at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries

08-March-2020 Sunday
Charlotte Corday - the girl who unleashed the great terror

07-March-2020 Saturday
Experiments in concentration camps (18+)

06-March-2020 Friday
Karomatullo, damn...

06-March-2020 Friday
Efremov's wife explained what he did at the airport

05-March-2020 Thursday
Prose of life

05-March-2020 Thursday
Putin is to blame for everything: the US elections, the split in Ukraine, Brexit in Europe. Now there's a virus! —Washington Post

05-March-2020 Thursday
To the post about ancestors

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