DELETED.3003136 comments, page 2

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08-December-2019 Sunday
Will the Shaman reach Moscow this time?

07-December-2019 Saturday
Anticipatory protest

07-December-2019 Saturday
Who respects bees...

07-December-2019 Saturday
Everything secret becomes clear

07-December-2019 Saturday
About hints from women

07-December-2019 Saturday
A hippopotamus surviving an attack by another hippopotamus

07-December-2019 Saturday
Counter attack

07-December-2019 Saturday
The village of Oganer near Norilsk, which never became a city of the future

07-December-2019 Saturday
Was it a bad word?

07-December-2019 Saturday
Should I communicate with acquaintances from the past?

07-December-2019 Saturday
Foundation from an Uzbek

07-December-2019 Saturday
1 year and 8 months for swinging your leg towards a riot policeman!

07-December-2019 Saturday
It's been 37 days without the connection I paid for.

07-December-2019 Saturday
In Ufa, twins gave birth to sons in the same maternity hospital two and a half hours apart. Was everyone thinking the same thing?

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