DELETED.2762364 comments, page 42

[43] [42] [41] [1]

12-April-2021 Monday
What a beautiful story

11-April-2021 Sunday
How to learn a programming language

11-April-2021 Sunday
Reply to the post “15 victims, more than 400 injured. 10 years ago there was a terrorist attack in the Minsk metro.”

08-April-2021 Thursday
The taxi driver had a headache when the passenger lit a vape

07-April-2021 Wednesday
American Zoom disconnects Russian state-owned companies from its video communications

06-April-2021 Tuesday
3281 drones in the sky

04-April-2021 Sunday
Best idea for 2021

28-March-2021 Sunday
Home server room. In the new apartment I simply had no choice

27-March-2021 Saturday
Drawing a circle

[43] [42] [41] [1]
