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07-November-2019 Thursday
"The Headless Horseman" got off his horse and onto my dad's Porsche, caused an accident on the Moscow Ring Road and rode off into the sunset.

07-November-2019 Thursday
Stupid head-on accident.

07-November-2019 Thursday
“Cut” into the bushes! Stopudovo and OSAGO no!

07-November-2019 Thursday
A few centimeters from the finish line.

06-November-2019 Wednesday
Tell me, where do they go wearing these?

06-November-2019 Wednesday
Meanwhile, in the car of Greta Thunberg's parents...

06-November-2019 Wednesday
How!? leave here? And who should give in?

06-November-2019 Wednesday
Twice inattentive offender.

06-November-2019 Wednesday
Accident with traffic police (a little obscenity)

05-November-2019 Tuesday
The shortest story is about how the asshole punished himself.

05-November-2019 Tuesday
I have only one question - why is she without a helmet? (Brazil)

05-November-2019 Tuesday
The autolady, abandoning the car, runs to catch up with the flying cuckoo... Akhtung! Checkmate!

05-November-2019 Tuesday
Without looking... What's going on in his head?

04-November-2019 Monday
Wing throw.

04-November-2019 Monday
Best intermediate car of the year.

04-November-2019 Monday
Men! It’s done! AI has given a clear definition of housework duties. Skynet is on our side)

03-November-2019 Sunday
Hulk smash!

03-November-2019 Sunday
Is it ready yet? Is it ready now?

03-November-2019 Sunday
Everything is fine. Let's move on.

03-November-2019 Sunday
"Dirty Rogue"

02-November-2019 Saturday
Consultations post.

02-November-2019 Saturday
Road chess.

29-October-2019 Tuesday
Be like Vova.

23-October-2019 Wednesday
Instead of studded tires.

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