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09-December-2019 Monday
Christians in Russia demand the repeal of Article 148 of the Criminal Code, which provides for criminal prosecution for “Insulting the feelings of believers”

04-December-2019 Wednesday
Powder abroad is better than in Russia

04-December-2019 Wednesday
American cops through the eyes of a migrant

24-November-2019 Sunday
Life in Denmark, part 1

12-November-2019 Tuesday
Innovations from innovation centers

09-November-2019 Saturday
A good tale about musicians

02-November-2019 Saturday
A bit of quirky humor from Duran

30-October-2019 Wednesday
One of the largest high-tech projects in Russia, which received $1 billion in government funding, went bankrupt

29-October-2019 Tuesday
How did I send my son to study in the Czech Republic and how much did it cost?

27-October-2019 Sunday
Studio apartment

25-October-2019 Friday
Isinbayeva is outraged that young people do not respect the opinions of recognized Olympic champions.

25-October-2019 Friday
So as not to leave a trace in the typewriter.

24-October-2019 Thursday
Black racism in the states

24-October-2019 Thursday
How does the post office work in the USA? [1]

23-October-2019 Wednesday
AKIT. To excess profits at any cost.

22-October-2019 Tuesday
Buy a new one

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