DELETED.1540037 comments, page 20

[21] [20] [19] [1]

14-April-2021 Wednesday
My name is Clementine Ford and I'm an angry feminist.

09-April-2021 Friday
Why are there so many alcohol stores around?

05-April-2021 Monday
When you were arrested and photographed at the police station without filters

30-March-2021 Tuesday
We leave jump ropes in good hands

28-March-2021 Sunday
Norwegian university calls the US a country with underdeveloped healthcare

28-March-2021 Sunday
The girl possessed by Louis Armstrong

27-March-2021 Saturday

22-March-2021 Monday
Young people are not aware of the classic memes

22-March-2021 Monday
Bravery and stupidity

20-March-2021 Saturday
“If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would be sitting on YouTube and watching Sasha Gray cook borscht.”

19-March-2021 Friday
When you hit a combo

19-March-2021 Friday
It's time to download Johnny guitar

18-March-2021 Thursday
But summer is coming!

15-March-2021 Monday
If they kill you, then come. The scumbag forces you to cohabitate. Promises to set fire or kill everyone

10-March-2021 Wednesday
Who is your demon?

[21] [20] [19] [1]
