DELETED.1058466 comments, page 2

[41] [3] [2] [1]

17-March-2020 Tuesday
Who exactly died in Italy from coronavirus. Latest detailed statistics. What influences death

16-March-2020 Monday
Experts recommend maintaining your daily rituals even while working from home

12-March-2020 Thursday
Fight against liqueurs in the Dnieper with concrete blocks

05-March-2020 Thursday
And in real life there are bugs

05-March-2020 Thursday
Sedentary work

28-February-2020 Friday
Me and my coloboma

21-February-2020 Friday
Testosterone. How I was infirm or a response to a couple of posts about health and ferritin

18-February-2020 Tuesday

17-February-2020 Monday
This is winter...

15-February-2020 Saturday

12-February-2020 Wednesday
Mizgir: The only Russian tarantula is a real monster!

04-February-2020 Tuesday
Very strange things. Part II

04-February-2020 Tuesday
Very strange things...

[41] [3] [2] [1]
