worst comments
The whole essence of the comedy club
Under Putin
A bit of Dota
female circumcision
The test consists of one question.
The whole essence of the comedy club
Kindergarten incident
It's a vicious circle!
Are there any fans of this? (4)
Today is the birthday of Nigmatullin Niyaz, two-time world champion in programming.
Linkin Park is in bad company
Here is such a miracle
who knows the frog, can you translate what is written there?
Buyer safety in retail: what you need to know personally
This is such a natural phenomenon.
Pug started.
Thank you Dota 2 for the geniuses you create!
Thank you Dota 2 for the geniuses you create!
Thank you Dota 2 for the geniuses you create!
Thank you Dota 2 for the geniuses you create!
I do not believe in female friendship
Need help
I appeal to everyone!
England in bed
Russians on a plane (watch with sound, 2:49)
The State Duma proposes to ban sneakers and high heels
Everyone forgot about them :(