CyberNasa comments, page 12

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21-August-2020 Friday
Flibusta bot on telegram

27-June-2019 Thursday
What countries does Kyrgyzstan look like?

18-April-2019 Thursday
It was reported that the year before last, a single dim dwarf star increased its brightness by 10,000 times.

16-April-2019 Tuesday
Cycling with a camera

12-April-2019 Friday
How I almost helped my son

07-April-2019 Sunday
M / f Treasure Island - Song of Silver

02-April-2019 Tuesday
Even the Hryundel has its own swimming pool

02-April-2019 Tuesday
Surprised! It was 2019 in Russia, so far they have not created a single database of those registered in the psycho. dispensary!

25-March-2019 Monday
Shaitanama. The boss!!

23-March-2019 Saturday
Dolphins fly?

22-March-2019 Friday
When in the hands of only the phone.

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