Cronk comments, page 9

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31-July-2023 Monday
I am doing a course on multithreaded and asynchronous programming in Python

28-July-2023 Friday
I was born blind, but as an adult I had an operation and I began to see. I will answer your questions

22-July-2023 Saturday
Database of car characteristics with photos

20-July-2023 Thursday
Macadamia shell tincture. It is something!

15-June-2023 Thursday
How to check if a person is alive

13-June-2023 Tuesday
At the age of 34, he already replaced two hip joints

10-June-2023 Saturday
The answer to the post "Why is everyone against linoleum?"

17-May-2023 Wednesday
The history of one Volga (part 3)

13-May-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Send to Telegram. linux"

11-May-2023 Thursday
I need this shovel!

10-May-2023 Wednesday
Learn to solder with a soldering iron 10 tips!

25-April-2023 Tuesday
So I lived to the modern age of retirement;)

20-April-2023 Thursday
Shanghai Auto Show 2023 Represents Chinese Auto Industry

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