31-October-2018 Wednesday
For every league there are a hundred of Richelieu's spies...
26-October-2018 Friday
Who are you, I didn't call you
21-October-2018 Sunday
Who's guilty?
18-October-2018 Thursday
17-October-2018 Wednesday
Fake soda
15-October-2018 Monday
History of one fatal accident
01-October-2018 Monday
Advice from an asshole
30-September-2018 Sunday
That's the attraction!
23-September-2018 Sunday
Two bytes are better than one. Advertisement for the first 16-bit computer, USA, 1970s.
11-September-2018 Tuesday
And there is
10-September-2018 Monday
04-September-2018 Tuesday
When every tackle is original
01-August-2018 Wednesday
Disputing paternity
24-July-2018 Tuesday
Theft of the century
11-May-2016 Wednesday
About luck in school
22-February-2016 Monday
19-February-2016 Friday
The same "Key to the tank"
08-February-2016 Monday
10 steps how to wring out an apartment (step by step instructions)
01-February-2016 Monday
Even saddened ...
28-January-2016 Thursday
stock seals