CountCain comments

17-January-2018 Wednesday
How High-Rep Strength Training Destroys Muscles

13-December-2017 Wednesday

19-October-2017 Thursday
I think my cat is unhappy that I came home

16-August-2017 Wednesday
What food videos would look like if your favorite directors made them

20-April-2017 Thursday
Level of ridiculousness in life: Jennifer Lawrence

15-February-2017 Wednesday
Don't slow down - Sneakers!

27-July-2016 Wednesday
Well, what can I say, friends?

11-July-2016 Monday
TJ also sometimes pleases with comments

09-December-2015 Wednesday
My art

25-June-2015 Thursday
Well, shall we sing?

11-June-2015 Thursday
I have depression.

27-February-2015 Friday
For people who understand Japanese.
