CoolXenon comments, page 8

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26-June-2024 Wednesday
The State Duma called teaching the theory of evolution in schools “Soviet obscurantism”

25-June-2024 Tuesday
Goodbye Aska

19-June-2024 Wednesday
Outside the window

18-June-2024 Tuesday
American DizzyDizaster about Russian swearing

17-June-2024 Monday
Please help! What to do if your flight is delayed?

15-June-2024 Saturday
What do you know about olds

02-June-2024 Sunday
Russian "agenda" in cinema

29-May-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “SDEK came under attack”

26-May-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Are the Old People Here?”

27-April-2024 Saturday
The return caught up with another moron

22-April-2024 Monday
Basically like my life, the last 20 years

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