ComprimeOne posts

23-November-2021 Tuesday
mr cat under the lamp

05-July-2021 Monday
My koshan saw the CD drive for the first time

25-March-2018 Sunday
I bring joy, well, the ball;)

10-October-2015 Saturday
The nightmare has dawned...

02-October-2015 Friday
You are next

31-August-2015 Monday
It is a masterpiece...

13-August-2015 Thursday
Let's look for the cat together... Baaarsiik!!!

02-June-2015 Tuesday
The post is dedicated to the memory of a dog named Gore 8 years old he would be my friend

18-April-2015 Saturday

14-March-2015 Saturday
Cute bear....

05-March-2015 Thursday
This is Federica Mogherini - Italian politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs ... (another beautiful European blah)

16-February-2015 Monday
Photoshop me...

11-February-2015 Wednesday
Kotukha IMMORTAL... Beginning.

06-February-2015 Friday
real 50 gray kittens...

14-August-2014 Thursday
For the emperor!

16-July-2014 Wednesday
My photo with the \"iron seal\" on the roof of the dock.
